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InvestKL Talent Programme
Creating Leaders Of The Future


The InvestKL Talent Programme was launched in March 2018 as a joint collaboration between InvestKL and Talent Corp, with the support and guidance from the Ministry of Education (MOE). It is a talent development programme with an ultimate goal to produce future Malaysian global corporate leaders.
The InvestKL Talent Programme is dedicated towards enhancing, developing and producing home grown talent that can scale up the leadership ladder of corporate organisations, into both local as well as global multinational companies.

The programme strives to create a big pool of highly qualified Malaysian talents that can occupy leadership positions in corporation organisations. While this Programme is mainly targeted at Malaysians, there are clusters of sub-programmes which are open to non-Malaysians also who are attached to MNC hubs in Greater Kuala Lumpur.

The Programmes

InvestKL works with Talent Corp initially around their diaspora and overseas talent programmes. For consistency, InvestKL has aligned the selection criteria via MOE with participating Malaysian based MNCs involved in similar programmes. We also tap on the high potential leadership programmes and involve Centres of Excellence setups deployed by InvestKL Fortune 500 Forbes 2000 clients themselves.
Drawing on and complementing existing Talent Corp and MOE programmes, this programme is not a generic ‘across the board’ programme for all, rather it is specifically targeted to identify and groom only potential leaders, both fresh out of college or university, as well as across mid and senior levels.

ITP consists of three unique leadership identification and development tracks that has been specifically designed; the Apprentice Programme (for college and university students with clear leadership qualities), the Young Executive Programme (for potential leaders within the first 10 years of graduating, and the Senior Executive Programme (for qualified C-1 and C-2 leaders).
  • Apprentice Programme
    1. Workshop / Bootcamp
    2. MyASEAN Internship
    3. Outreach Programme for Student Overseas
    4. JPA Scholars (STAR)
    5. 2u2i Programme
    6. Industrial Talks by MNCs
    7. JPA Scholars (STAR)
    8. Study tour to MNCs
    9. Structured internship programme (SIP) 2.0
  • Young Executive Programme
    1. Graduate Development Programme
    2. Outreach Programme for Talent Abroad
    3. Innovation Competitions
    4. MYAPEC Programme
    5. Leadership Programme
    6. Mobility Programme
    7. Knowledge Transfer Programme
    8. Senior Executive Programme
  • Senior Executive Programme
    1. Career Comeback Programme
    2. Returning Expert Programme
    3. Outreach Programme for Talent Abroad
    4. CEO @ Faculty Programme
    5. Collaboration with Global Leadership Institutions

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