Business Friendly Environment
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Favourable business environment

There are many positive attributes Malaysia has, including a favourable business environment that includes well-developed and established infrastructure, advanced telecommunication services and high broadband penetration, a robust financial and banking sector, business-friendly policies, and a supportive regulatory framework. 

In fact, the World Bank ranked Malaysia 12th out of 190 economies for ease of doing business in its Doing Business 2020 report, noting also that “the country has good, practical models to draw on, especially in Kuala Lumpur”.

PwC, in its Doing Business in Malaysia 2020 report, highlighted that in the last decade, Malaysia has become an attractive regional hub for services, including financial services, information and communications technology, and the logistics sector. The global consulting firm also pointed out that Malaysia is gaining recognition as an innovative international Islamic financial centre.

A prime location for global business opportunities

Furthermore, Malaysia is one of the most developed developing countries in the world, PwC noted, and has been classified by the World Bank as an upper-middle-income country, with a GNI per capita of US$10,870.

Leveraging on the Malaysian government’s business friendly policies, Greater Kuala Lumpur is becoming a prime investment destination for global investors. According to EY, Kuala Lumpur’s “balanced growth attributes”, such as its green ecosystem, integrated transportation system, world-class connectivity, and attractive tax incentives for high-tech sector investments, have garnered the attention of foreign investors.

" The government in Malaysia has actually made it very easy for foreign businesses to set up entities in Malaysia and actually launch their businesses. What they actually helped us to do as well was introduced our parent shareholder SK Group to various government agencies to highlight to them the investment potential of Malaysia. "

Leon Foong, CEO, Socar Malaysia (2020)

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